Version 4.0.81¶
Displaying of wells in modeless forms is corrected
Async parameter for the client apply method added
Bug of clone method when expanded attribute is false fixed
Bug retated to lookup_value, lookup_text and display_text properties of fields and params with lookup_lists fixed
Bug, when users were able to print reports when ‘Can view’ was disabled for their role, fixed
Open, set_where, set_fields, set_order_by methods on the server can have the same parameters as corresponding. methods on the client
Edit_record, apply changes, cancel_edit methods on the client modified so that user can open documents for viewing when can_edit method returns false
When converting reports the soffice is passed norestore parameters
Starting ‘/’ signs are removed from css and js links in index.html file
Validation of field names is corrected
Demo application:
Select button added to the Invoices edit form to add selected tracks to the invoice.
Visible items whose set_view method returns false are not added to the dynamic menu